Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thing # 8 - RSS Feeds

I opened an account in Google Reader and subscribed to 5 library blogs:
Librarian Philosopher

A Library By Any Other Name

SBISD Ed Tech Grant

Of Life, Education, E-Bay, Travel, and Books

The Lily Pad Playground

I also subscribed to the science and technology feed packages as I really enjoy reading about science and technology.

I am amazed at how easy the technology is for RSS feed, and I wish I had known about it earlier. It will make keeping up with information much simpler and more time effective. I love the idea of not having to go website to website to find out what's new on a topic. The intro video was a good introduction to RSS feed. I will be adding more sites soon. I am planning on creating folders for my special education topics such as autism, learning disabilities, assessment, and emotional disturbance.

In my personal life I would like to add ones on canoeing, kayaking, horses, cats, and good books. I'm not sure that all my favorite websites are RSS friendly, but I will certainly investigate it.

I can see using this in a library to develop folders on specific topics related to the curriculum or requested by teachers.

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