Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thing # 20 - You Tube and Teacher Tube

Until I took this class I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a Teacher Tube. I was remotely familiar with You Tube, as many paddling conquests of waterfalls and rapids were videoed and posted to this site, but I had no idea of how to navigate through it.

I wish the school district didn't block You Tube, because there are valuable teaching videos there as well. However, I understand the difficulty of censoring the inappropriate content available there.

I love Teacher Tube. I viewed the video 3 Steps and I thought it was excellent. I'm going to show it to my principal, because I'd like our campus to move more in that direction next year. You cannot make it a goal if you first cannot conceptualize it. maybe it would help prevent such a high failure and dropout rate. Of course, we have to compete with TAKS prep time, and that seems to be sacred. But, back to the video, I wholeheartedly agree that we need to teach the 3 C's, Competition, Cooperation, and Collaboration, and we need to create a safe and creatuve learning space for our kids. Web 2.0 tools can helpus do this, as they are great at communication and collaborative tasks.

While I have little experience with streaming technologies such as United Streaming (since I don't teach) and zero experience with Zamzar, I recognoze that a picture is indeed worth a thousand words, and in turn, a video is worth a million words. Not only are they usually multisensory, they allow the poor and nonreaders to participate in the curriculum on an equal footing. Teacher Tube is an awesome tool in our teaching toolboxes. Unfortubnately, many teachers have never even seen a Teacher Tube video.

I am going to try and create a tecnology survey to give at the beginning of the next school year. Hopefully, I can get my librarian to collaborate on it.

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